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Windows 7

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Windows 7 Empty Windows 7

Post  Administrator 1/10/2009, 11:04 am

In case you guys haven't heard, Gates has released the beta version of the new operating system. Hopefully it will be patterned after XP and not Vista.

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Windows 7 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

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Age : 67
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Windows 7 Empty Re: Windows 7

Post  Magic 1/10/2009, 3:20 pm

I have done a few beta test for Microsoft in the past but I will skip this one since I don't have any problems with what I have.

I will just check the question/answer page and see what the rookies are complaining about for a while.


Bookie Challenge
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Windows 7 Empty Re: Windows 7

Post  dblshockpwr 1/10/2009, 6:03 pm

switched to Ubuntu

happy as hell with it.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Windows 7 Empty Re: Windows 7

Post  Administrator 1/10/2009, 10:59 pm

I have partition software, so I can have 2 or 3 different OS's on my drive.....but I don't have it installed now.

By the way, I'll be buying a laptop this year, and I'm taking a close look at the new MacBook from Apple. It has an aluminum shell....looks very sweet, sturdy and strong. I love Dell, but Apple is also a fine machine.

So I'm thinking of buying a MacBook to take on the road with me, and then buy a new Dell desktop for home.

Here's a good review of the Apple laptop:

And here's the Dell desktop I'll buy:

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Windows 7 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2590
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Windows 7 Empty Re: Windows 7

Post  dblshockpwr 1/11/2009, 1:21 am

mighty_colts wrote:I have partition software, so I can have 2 or 3 different OS's on my drive.....but I don't have it installed now.

By the way, I'll be buying a laptop this year, and I'm taking a close look at the new MacBook from Apple. It has an aluminum shell....looks very sweet, sturdy and strong. I love Dell, but Apple is also a fine machine.

So I'm thinking of buying a MacBook to take on the road with me, and then buy a new Dell desktop for home.

Here's a good review of the Apple laptop:

And here's the Dell desktop I'll buy:

Apple does make a really good product MC, I looked long and hard at Apple before I got my new laptop and I just don't do enough to justify spending the extra money on one... maybe if I was heavy into graphics design or music or something like that I probably would have shelled out the extra cash and did it... but I got really, really tired of the problems I was having with Vista and constantly having to run all the spyware, and anti-virus and malware, greyware etc... Vista had a few cool features that I did really enjoy, but in the end the hassle was just too much for me so I tried out the Ubuntu Linux on my old laptop on a dual boot. Liked it so much that I went ahead and completly wiped Vista on the new machine and I am just using it exclusively now... I do have a virus scanner installed, but basically just to scan email now so I don't pass anything along to anybody else.. the only problem I had was the wireless drivers, but they have a workaround for that to be able to use your window's drivers for WiFi... it's a little bit tricky to get it running at first, took me about a day to do it.. but of course I was learning about how to get around the new OS too....... and Dell is selling systems out of the box now that are Ubuntu certified.... and so is IBM and a few others.. and the vast majority of what you use is open source.... and it's actually really cool with what they can do...

But everybody has their own preferences too, I was just so fed up with Vista that Windows 7 would almost have to have been handed down from Moses himself for me to change back at this point.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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