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I got a free copy of Windows 7.

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I got a free copy of Windows 7. Empty I got a free copy of Windows 7.

Post  dblshockpwr 12/16/2009, 7:02 pm

LOL Got a friend that works for MS and I think he is getting tired of me converting people to Linux........ So he gives me a legit copy of Win7 Ultimate... LOL Says his supervisor approved it personally.. (with windows keys etc...)

Sooooooo I guess if I decide to sell my laptop again I will throw it in too.. drinkbeer
Shock and Awe

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I got a free copy of Windows 7. Empty Re: I got a free copy of Windows 7.

Post  Magic 12/16/2009, 11:37 pm

NICE smile

I have the XP Pro like that myself.......I have a MS connection here too.

I was driving through that intersection back in the 60's when it was bushes and trees and now the biggest building around known as Microsoft in Redmond

I used to have a disc I made myself back in november 2001 lol

You know how us MS supporters works perfect if you know wtf you are doing with things like this.

Of course amatuers can screw one up in a couple minutes.

I still prefer IE7 because of some things I can make it do on websites that won't work with IE8 or other versions.

You do need a fast ISP of course......but all of my pc's run 24/7 as fast as lightning because I am their programmer king

I do like that OS disc you just got.......stick that on a quad laptop and ebay it for me wink

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I got a free copy of Windows 7. Empty Re: I got a free copy of Windows 7.

Post  cravnravn 12/17/2009, 1:20 am

Throw in a copy of MILF Meat #7 and I might bid on it cheerstoyou

Number of posts : 5888
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I got a free copy of Windows 7. Empty Re: I got a free copy of Windows 7.

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