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Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory)

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Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) Empty Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory)

Post  Administrator 10/5/2006, 12:33 pm

Sexual decedance. Double penetration. Threesome fornication.

I want to see what kind of advertisments they put up on the board with those key words.....LOL

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2584
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) Empty Re: Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory)

Post  Guest 10/8/2006, 9:46 am

Don't know what ads you're referring to, Mighty. I'm seeing no adds at all, just a few links to "Football Winners" and "CBS Sunday Gamecenter". You using FireFox? I am and maybe it's blocking ads for me. shout


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Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) Empty Re: Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory)

Post  Administrator 10/8/2006, 12:40 pm

Well Blue, I guess they don't put up ads for porn sites, lol bawlin

The people who host this board use a software that reads key words in both the name of the forum as well as the subject lines of threads. For example, when the "Mole Division" thread was posted, within that thread I saw ads for "Mole Removal" and "Rodent Pest Control" lol

I've seen ads for different things on this board relating to subject lines. Try going through the different threads with non-football related key words in the subject line, and within those threads you'll see non-football related advertisements. But the ads aren't the same everytime, so you may have to try reading the thread on different days, I don't know.

So I was thinking....if I posted keywords like Sex, Triple Penetration and other flesh-related topics, would they put up ads for that stuff.

I guess not laughing

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2584
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) Empty Re: Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory)

Post  Administrator 10/8/2006, 12:44 pm

Like this one in the "Mole Division" thread:

"Mole Remover"

ha ha ha.........

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Pornography Sex Intercourse (testing a theory) 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2584
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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