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One year from this past weekend...

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One year from this past weekend... Empty One year from this past weekend...

Post  Guest Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 5:27

...and my baby will be married! king

Her fincee called and asked me to lunch Friday. Said he wanted to go to the Blue Crew Tavern for lunch (the Colts' fan club bar & grill). We had talked about it , so I didn't think much about it...

Then he asked for my permission to marry her... ohshit

12 months... 52 weeks... 365 days... $20,000??? I dunno... how much does a wedding cost these days??? Doesn't matter... I obviously have no say it the matter... its a mom/daughter thing, you see.

You guys need to step up... I got no assistance for the Super Bowl trip... now this!

$500 donation gets you hors d'ouerves...
$750 - above plus food...
$1000 - you get the full deal plus the open bar! cheerstoyou

Step right up!

(guess I had better get that dive trip in while I still have a buck left in the bank...)


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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  Guest Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 6:01

You could have told the young man "Nah, I don't see you as my future son-in-law. Sorry!" and saved a bundle of money.

20 grand sounds about right for a middle-of-the road wedding.


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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  Agent 99 Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 9:24

Hey Kurt....

Is she the only daughter? For your sake I hope so. I have two that I'm going to have to give away someday. I told them both they have to get married on the same damn day so I can afford it!!!!

I think Blue is right.... 20 Grand sounds about right.
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  Guest Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 11:43

I can give you one clue, Kurt...go easy on the flowers!!! It's unbelievable what they charge for those things.

My daughter's wedding (8 years ago) set me back about 14 grand. Can't remember how many people we had at the reception but it was around 150. Used a disk jockey and I ended up writing him an extra check to hang around for a few more hours.

Open bar, flowers, gown (yikes! I forgot about the cost of that gown!), limo, entertainment, food for a few hundred people, etc. An easy 20 grand these days. Be sure to have your check book handy on the big day.



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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  cravnravn Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 12:54

Congrats Kurt.

Call me different, but I gave my daughter an option..12,000 for a day of partying, that hell half of the folks wont remember, or 12,000 for a down payment on a home, and she can just have a small church wedding.

She took the down payment.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  Magic Mon 30 Apr 2007 - 18:10

You poor old Dads!

I couldn't handle having a daughter unless she just stayed about 5yrs old so I didn't have to deal with how guys start going after the girls as soon as it comes to their pea brains.

She would have to be home schooled and some how never think about guys.

(of course never turn into a Rosie O'Lesbo either)

Of course that's not how things work so you all will be father-in-laws and hope for the best and close your eyes half the time dammit

Bookie Challenge
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  wood20ks Sat 5 May 2007 - 16:40

Two words Kurt.............Court House.

Yeah I know it is suppose to be one

But heres to the bride and groom cheerstoyou

Not sure what it cost the wife and I. I`m awfully sure it was over 10k.
We had a very big wedding all done in a Bears theme. Navy blue suit with a Bears tie so were the groomsmen.
it was really cool because two of the groomsmen were Packer fans booya

Took the ol`garter off to the tune of "The Superbowl Shuffle"
Tried to get it for the wedding march,but the little woman wouldn`t go for wonder why).
Asked all the the invitees to wear their team colors,some abliged,some didn`t.But all in all it was cool.
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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One year from this past weekend... Empty Re: One year from this past weekend...

Post  Guest Wed 16 May 2007 - 5:09

Keys trip is ON! Made the airline reservation last night. booya

Friday am, 06/08 it'll be ColtscubaKurt!!!!

I know this great little drinking town with a diving problem down there...


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