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Family History

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Family History Empty Family History

Post  Magic 6/21/2014, 7:59 pm

Any of you ever look your family history up?

Since my Dad probably won't make it much longer (my brother who died last year lived near him for the last 30 years so....)

Which makes me his only living child (his 2 sisters are even older but in old folks homes) and Dad and his wife since 1968 just moved to a retirement place (old folks apartments) after living in the same house  for 50+ years

So he decided to give me a few things and he for some reason only has old pictures and a stack of letters written by my future great-grandmother to her future husband who was a Reverend at the original Wake Forest in N.C

And this pistol that was his Dads and he got it from my great-grandfather before he moved to Seattle with all his sisters and brothers in the late 1920's (I also got the newspaper article about that)

It is a Colt Army Special 32-20 that probably has not been fired for about 50 years and I am trying to find out what year it was made (the last date on the barrel says 1905) but I can't seem to find out for sure from all over from Wiki to (no not that Colts  lol  )

The serial # is W3334 which I can not find anywhere so far.

But as I am doing this I am looking up the family on Dads side and they came from Cleveland County North Carolina and there is still about 100 or more of them still living there and the same amount at all the surrounding cemeterys.

My great-great grandfather was born in 1806 -1888 and he was a Captain in the Confederate Army (funny I have been a Yankee fan since 1965)

My great-grandfather was born in 1852 and he was that Reverend and died there in 1926

My grandfather was born in North Carolina 1899 and died in 1983 in Seattle with his wife he married in 1950

His first wife (my Dads Mom) drowned at 36 years of age in Seattle for my Dads 6th birthday  bluehoo 

So the only time as far back as I can find where 4 generations where alive and together at the same time was on Christmas day at my Dads house with my grandfather and grandmother,my Dad,me,and my 2 month old son.

I have went back to the late 1700's when my great-great-great grandfather was born in Virginia (lots of them still there too and I see some in Indiana too)

Before that they came from a place SW of London England.

I plan on making that part of my drive around the country one of these to Cleveland County North Carolina

Found my great-grandfathers tombstone (the Confederate Captain) on that website

Along with many others like my grandfather and grandmother in Seattle and my Dads older brother who was a Corporal in Korean war and died at 52 years of age in a damn car  wreck here in Washington.

Family History Colt_a10

Bookie Challenge
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Age : 66
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Family History Empty Re: Family History

Post  Guest 6/22/2014, 12:25 pm

Good stuff. So, Bill, at your core you're a red neck, huh?  whoa 

I've traced my family back to the 1630's in Germany. They came from a town called Jungingen -- the basis for my surname. My great-great grandfather, Johan Jakob Junginger, came over in 1852. He was a farmer and blacksmith.


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Family History Empty Re: Family History

Post  Magic 6/22/2014, 1:18 pm

Well it has been a while since the sun hit my neck  lol 

I imagine I would be a bit different if gramps had stayed back east and I was born in the sticks of NW North Carolina  cowboy 

Instead I am a city guy that lives in the country.........sort of.

We didn't get named after a town like you were.

So your family didn't come here until 1852?

My Dad used to say we were German but if we were they moved to England in the 1500's

Something tells me none of my N.C. family of the past would have voted for Hussein Obama  wink 

And back in the early days when they were still in Virginia he would have been one of their "employees"  laughing 

Gramps never told me but I have a feeling he was never a Yankee fan either  357_SmithWesson 

His farm over in Woodinville WA where my Dad grew up is now a winery

Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Family History Empty Re: Family History

Post  cravnravn 6/24/2014, 3:39 am

Great Thread!!!!!!

Yesterday the Mrs along with Drew and his fiance traveled to St Augustine, the oldest founded city in america, we stopped into a coat of arms shop, The catolog we went through was 3ft long and a good foot thick, I found our name but with a slight different spelling, it was spelled Biasuzzi..

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Family History Empty Re: Family History

Post  Magic 6/24/2014, 11:40 am

Yeah that is one of the first things you learn when you look up old family history and look around and see those names had different spellings especially when they moved here to North America.

Can't go back any farther than my great-grandmother on my Moms side but can go back over 400 years so far on Dads side.

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Family History Empty Re: Family History

Post  cravnravn 6/25/2014, 4:27 am

This is going to take some research. My aunt was offended when I told her of the spelling and that he came over with the Spanish fleet in the 1600's. She kept insisting that were Italian. I told her yes we are, it the Spanish fleet accepted any one that believed in the Catholic religion.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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