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Manson family

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Manson family Empty Manson family

Post  wood20ks 3/4/2008, 6:16 am

Do any of you guys get into reading about serial killers?

Actually I find it quite fascinating.

I was too damn young to remember the Manson Family and always heard about the horror stories.Sure I`ve seen the tamed movie and seen "Notorious" on the A&E channel,but this site gives you more description and detail of what actually went on.

But until you actually read this article you find things in there that you`ve never heard before(or atleast I havn`t).

These stories are more gruesome than I thought.I knew the Tate murders and LaBianca murders were gruesome,but the Donald Shea murder was even more gruesome.Cut the poor guy up in 9 pcs and strewn about the desert..........WTF is the matter with people?

And then to read that tex watson has been married and and fathers 4 kids.

Who in the hell in their right mind would ever let these people have a so-called normal life while they are in prison?
Who in the hell in their right mind would ever want to marry any of these people?

This world can be really fucked up in the head..............I should say"Is fucked up" not "can be".
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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Manson family Empty Re: Manson family

Post  Magic 3/5/2008, 6:23 am

You're almost old enough Barry smile

The strange thing that always reminds me of is I remember seeing Sharon Tate in an episode of "Mr.Ed" in the park on a bench making out with some guy and then later through all the years like when I would tape Mr.Ed so my son could watch it before he went to school I saw that episode several more times now it reminds me of Manson wtf

After all that Manson stuff came out I remember me and the guys trying to play Beatles song in reverse to see if we could hear that.

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Manson family Empty Re: Manson family

Post  wood20ks 3/5/2008, 7:10 pm

Never seen her in Mr.Ed(although I barely remember seeing an episode,maybe two).

But I do remember watch about 15 minutes one time of the "Valley of the Dolls" just to actually see what she looked like.............Not bad at all.....

All in all I`ve always been intrigued by how people can go through life and commit such hienous crimes to this stature.......
Just think the things dahmer,Chikitilo(sp?) and Ed Gein did.
Cannabilism has got to be the most dispicable act to a human being that could ever be.......

That stuff just boggles my mind.
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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Manson family Empty Re: Manson family

Post  dblshockpwr 3/29/2008, 6:00 am

Just thought I would post on this topic to ask if you all saw that they have found MORE bodies on 2 of the Mansons hideout properties.

Maybe they will try Charlie for those murders and give him the needle he deserves?
Shock and Awe

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Manson family Empty Re: Manson family

Post  wood20ks 3/31/2008, 11:51 am

dblshockpwr wrote:Just thought I would post on this topic to ask if you all saw that they have found MORE bodies on 2 of the Mansons hideout properties.

Maybe they will try Charlie for those murders and give him the needle he deserves?

I did hear something about that also.
I`m sure they did things that was never discussed outside the Spahn Ranch..........
and to give him the needle.......He was actually sentenced to die but they abolished the death sentence in California.
besides hes gotta be close to death anyways with his age....happy2
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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