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Hey, what's up with the Division thinge

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Hey, what's up with the Division thinge Empty Re: Hey, what's up with the Division thinge

Post  Magic 9/18/2008, 2:09 am

Didn't you see the new rule =SA=?

It says if =SA= ever gets a lucky BC Championship the following season he has to be in a division with the other guys that have the most points after week 2 smile

Actually Mighty is busy working on the stats and the Divisions are not actually set up yet.

It's just one of those things when you make a website.

So he has the page set up and ready with names ready to put in the right spot when the time comes.

Bookie Challenge
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Hey, what's up with the Division thinge Empty Re: Hey, what's up with the Division thinge

Post  Swanshaft 9/18/2008, 3:21 am

I wouldnt be too worried SA, all that you will really lose in the divisional play is your bottle of Crown.... king

and maybe 30 chips....
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Hey, what's up with the Division thinge Empty Re: Hey, what's up with the Division thinge

Post  Administrator 9/18/2008, 12:34 pm

heh heh heh....I just threw the names in the divisions for early record keeping. But hey, we may end up going with the division setup as it is, or close to it.

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Hey, what's up with the Division thinge 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

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Hey, what's up with the Division thinge Empty Re: Hey, what's up with the Division thinge

Post  cravnravn 9/19/2008, 1:22 am

When will the points be updated, 4 is an unlucky number to me, you see I only threw an Ace week 2.

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