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This weekends good news and bad news

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This weekends good news and bad news Empty This weekends good news and bad news

Post  wood20ks 12/2/2007, 6:25 am

Good news is I had all weekend off............. unripebooya

Bad news it was because of the ice storm............. ohshit

No power from 6 pm till 1:30 am..............Atleast my beer stayed cold. smile
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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This weekends good news and bad news Empty Re: This weekends good news and bad news

Post  cravnravn 12/3/2007, 4:14 am

Hows this for a weekend, some son of a bitch, went to our developements main telephone box, beat the shit out of it, and snipped every fucking wire in the box. Poor Drew, had to run around like a chicken with his head cut off to find someone with internet so he could post his picks. Verizon then cant get to us til Tuesday to do the repair.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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This weekends good news and bad news Empty Re: This weekends good news and bad news

Post  Guest 12/3/2007, 4:38 am

Rather extreme just to outscore your own son, isn't it?


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This weekends good news and bad news Empty Re: This weekends good news and bad news

Post  Agent 99 12/3/2007, 5:11 am

ColtsKurt wrote:Rather extreme just to outscore your own son, isn't it?

ohshit THAT'S FUNNY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I will drink to that
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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