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Hey Kurt!

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Hey Kurt! Empty Hey Kurt!

Post  BirdsofSilence 8/23/2007, 1:45 am

I have been very busy these last several months, and I am going to meet with some people about getting my own program up and running for workers' comp. It may take some time and a LOT of convincing but it all goes well, I may get a national program together. Damn, running your own deal is taking too much of my time, and overhead SUCKS ASS!

Oh well, we are getting over the start up hump and things are starting to look up.

Just thought I would give you an update. Man, I have a good 10 year run so I can be like Magic!

Birds of a freakin' feather frock the fluckin' flock of foul!!

Number of posts : 152
Age : 58
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hey Kurt! Empty Re: Hey Kurt!

Post  Guest 8/23/2007, 5:31 pm

Monoline WC? Is that necessary out in CA? We've got a few Mono WC carriers out here, but only for the real tough classes. It was tight a few years back, but things have really loosened up. Its a soft market again here in Indy.

What's your niche?


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Hey Kurt! Empty Mr. WC

Post  Guest 9/4/2007, 4:53 am

Birdsy... how's that WC-thing going?


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Hey Kurt! Empty Re: Hey Kurt!

Post  BirdsofSilence 9/6/2007, 9:29 pm

Yes, monoline comp is huge in California. As far as any program is concerned, it generally takes approximately 2 years to get it going, I am trying to do it in less than a year. However, it is still in the process, so who the hell knows.

It is very soft here, but that is when service becomes important.

As far as a niche, we do agriculture, janitorial companies, hotels, restaurants, food processing, and some construction. I used to do a lot of medical products manufacturing, and a few more technical classes, but I just maintain that now because all my referrals are coming from the services end of things. I just wrote a rather large trucking company (comp only since I missed the auto end of it.)

It is fun, and a lot better income wise since I don't have to give the house 70% of it.

Birds of a freakin' feather frock the fluckin' flock of foul!!

Number of posts : 152
Age : 58
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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