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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results - Page 2 Empty Re: Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

Post  cravnravn 2/12/2016, 1:35 am

kamikazefireball wrote:
Magic wrote:*CHIPS* are in the mail  hellyes

Funny I never heard of the place where Kamakazi lives but right now the town is on FOX News  ohshit

Yep, I've been in that Panera Bread where the shooting happened and probably driven by there hundreds of times. A double shooting around here is pretty huge news and I did see that a few national outlets had picked it up. You have a keen eye!

Unreal the Mrs almost had to go home, the suspect and the second cop were shot and killed in her mom's parking lot, right outside her apartments door, she was quite upset, she had her gushots before from hunters, but never that close.


Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results - Page 2 Empty Re: Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

Post  kamikazefireball 2/12/2016, 7:17 pm

cravnravn wrote:
kamikazefireball wrote:
Magic wrote:*CHIPS* are in the mail  hellyes

Funny I never heard of the place where Kamakazi lives but right now the town is on FOX News  ohshit

Yep, I've been in that Panera Bread where the shooting happened and probably driven by there hundreds of times. A double shooting around here is pretty huge news and I did see that a few national outlets had picked it up. You have a keen eye!

Unreal the Mrs almost had to go home, the suspect and the second cop were shot and killed in her mom's parking lot, right outside her apartments door, she was quite upset, she had her gushots before from hunters, but never that close.

Wow that's crazy. Not something you ever expect to happen there especially at 11:30 in the morning.

Number of posts : 360
Location : Wilmington, DE
Registration date : 2014-09-03

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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results - Page 2 Empty Re: Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

Post  Guest 2/12/2016, 8:03 pm

Anymore… anything can happen, anywhere. Really doesn't matter where you live.

Crazies are everywhere. There was just a story on the news where a guy was high on meth and heroin. Tried to stab his 8 mo pregnant girlfriend with a machete, holding a bible while ranting that the baby was evil. Lived in a trailer, Martinsville, IN. sigh


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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results - Page 2 Empty Re: Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

Post  Magic 2/12/2016, 8:33 pm

Another reason I am happy on my leather sofa with my laptop on a table in front of me and the 82 inch DLP TV with the Dish

In the middle of 5 acres (ok I wish it was 50 acres)

.....and Betsy the 12 gauge 5 feet to the left of me lol

Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8856
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results - Page 2 Empty Re: Super Bowl 50 (L) - Picks and Final Results

Post  cravnravn 2/13/2016, 1:08 am

ColtsKurt wrote:Anymore… anything can happen, anywhere.  Really doesn't matter where you live.

Crazies are everywhere.  There was just a story on the news where a guy was high on meth and heroin.  Tried to stab his 8 mo pregnant girlfriend with a machete, holding a bible while ranting that the baby was evil.  Lived in a trailer, Martinsville, IN.  sigh

Absolutely, I thought watching Baltimore news was bad, hell its like watching Bambi compared to Orlando news, parts of Orlando are scum same as parts of Daytona.

That town of Abingdon was just created back in the late 80's at the time it was nothing but farm land from interstate 95 all the way into the town of Belair, there was such a flight of families from Baltimore that wanted country living, yet still wanted to work in the city.

The demand of housing was overwhelming they built 350,000 homes in a 10 year period, after it was done they had bigger issues, not enough schools, and of course not enough roadway.

I was fortunate, I was delivering the town of Belair as this boom was going on, I heard and seen what the future was going to be. I got off that route quick. There were 3 of us that covered that belair Abingdon area, today there are 12 UPS routes in that same area. You talk about traffic, no thank you.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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