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Post  dblshockpwr 2/15/2007, 4:35 pm

Good for Tim Hardaway!!! cheerstoyou clap drinkbeer
Shock and Awe

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All I have to say today is... Empty Re: All I have to say today is...

Post  Magic 2/15/2007, 11:36 pm

LOL....yeah I have no problem with that!

Can you imagine playing basketball and then taking a shower with that queer that came out of his NBA closet the other day???


You know that guy was not good at playing since I never heard of him and basketball is my game!

No way does a queer take showers with NBA players without looking at what they want to suck ramborampage

I have been watching the O'Reilly Factor since day one and almost always agree with him but he sure was taking the wrong side on this for some reason........he should have just skipped the story.

When him and other dumbasses compare queers to blacks and Jews THAT is the sign of one stupid mother fucker.

"Gay" is not a fucking race you dip shits in our USA.

THAT is just another example of wtf this country is in the "Spin Zone"

I heard the same shit from the TNT crew during the games tonight.

Like Barkley saying we have to let the gays be treated like a race!

AND that GOD is the only judge..........then wtf is the reason for us to own,read,and go by these Laws written in the Bible?

I guess if you skip enough of those Laws then you can get away with anything.

If things keep curving to the left we will soon see it legal for men to fuck and marry dogs and goats and women doing the same with a Kentucky Derby horse I will drink to that

Bookie Challenge
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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All I have to say today is... Empty Re: All I have to say today is...

Post  Administrator 2/16/2007, 8:02 am

Hardaway came out and said what we all think, and that's the bottom line. The morons we hear leading the bashing of Hardaway for speaking the truth is the Extreme Radical Left. Their extreme fundalmentalism has infiltrated our mainstream, and we see the results of that everyday. Even moderate people are falling victim to the Extreme Left Agenda, even to the point of abandoning their own belief system "so they don't offend anyone".

What the Left is doing is called, "Re-education and habilitation"......and it's creating an ever-weakening society, by design. You can't control a strong society, right? wink

BOOKIE CHALLENGE All I have to say today is... 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2590
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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