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CK`s Chips

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CK`s Chips Empty CK`s Chips

Post  wood20ks 1/29/2007, 3:20 am

Arrived Saturday.........nose bleed hey Kurt?..........None the less your gonna be there and I`m not bluehoo

No matter who wins I`m sure you will have a great time and experience something of a lifetime that i always wanted to do. cheerstoyou
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

Number of posts : 1311
Age : 62
Location : Sterling,Il
Registration date : 2006-08-27

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CK`s Chips Empty Re: CK`s Chips

Post  Guest 1/29/2007, 5:29 am

Be sure to use that at the corner gas station... don't rub the paper too hard... had to use a cheap ink this time around... trying to pay for this upcoming trip any way I can!

Can you imagine CK bringing home the bacon from the Chi-town board?

THAT would be outstanding... and fitting of the glorious day!

I just hope its a good game and that no one gets hurt... unless perhaps Urslacker or that Pester guy would like to take a dive... lol


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