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13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™

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13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ Empty 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™

Post  Magic 8/23/2012, 12:40 pm

That time again!

The 13th season of the Bookie Challenge hellyes

Time to send your 30 *Chips* in to the Treasurer

1] The Treasurer 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

2] R&R 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

3] Matt 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

4] Drew 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

5] Blue 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

6] Seabird 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

7] =SA= 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

8] Woods 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

9] Arkman 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

10] IndyColt 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

11] Cravn 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

12] Beerme 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

13] KobeChick 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

14] ColtsKurt 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

15] MightyColts 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

16] Lizzard Whip 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

17] Primetime 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

18] Swanshaft 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3

Don't be a bleepin' 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ Snailf.....get your *Chips* in the mail!!

13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ 76pm3
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™ Empty Re: 13th ANNUAL Bookie Challenge *CHIP* REPORT®© ™

Post  Magic 10/26/2012, 12:57 pm

................................................. cheerstoyou

Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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