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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Magic 1/11/2012, 8:34 pm

Ok Ok....I will post the lines for this weekend before my night is over.......

Ya see the thing is I am in the Tesla Division for a mad scientist reason laughing

Today the wife and I went on the monthly shopping trip and as always I have to check the computer section of the store and this time told her I would see about getting a wireless router so she can use some damn book pad thing and download stuff.

Well I decided on this Belkin N600 which they say is the fastest and it was cheaper than most.

BUT....ah hell I always have to look at the computers to see what kind of deal they have just in case I can't pass it up.

The wife said NO WAY.......well it is a quad-core 3.1 with an nVidia card for only $398

Of course it is now sitting here in a box next to me hellyes

I had to spend the first hour getting the other 4 computers hooked up to the wireless router and get a connection and since there are only 4 ports I will run one on wireless and the other 4 pc's wired smile

So now for CERN and the Einstein Project I officially have 3 quad-cores and 2 triple-core pc's running here 24/7.......and then another quad and dual core added to my from Idaho and the other is Seabirds in Port Angeles (but his quad core thinks it is a triple now and I actually haven't been to Port Angeles for over 10 years lol )

And I haven't even had breakfast yet (8:30pm)

So as soon as I get pc #5 up and running you BC people can get that Picks Line hey_mon


Bookie Challenge
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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Administrator 1/14/2012, 7:48 am

Damn, you have cores piled up everywhere.

Go ahead and inform your fellow CERNers that when you guys feel you are ready to handle some Advanced Knowledge, I will reveal some of my special secrets leading directly to multiple levels of dimension and physics smile

It's not that I'm stingy with my Incredible Database of Super Secrets, it's just that I want to bring all you guys along at a pace that's comfortable for you king

Here's a glimpse of one of my Super Secret formulas. It's part of a gravity assisted propulsion system that cancels out the gravity of the solar system your leaving, and greatly enhances the pull of the gravity of the star you want to travel to, reducing the transit time of 500 light years down to just 2 months. There are other critical aspects to this amazing propulsion system, but I can't reveal anything more at this time:


Keep in mind the above formula is not related to my inter-dimsensional abilities. That knowledge is FAR too advanced and dangerous to share with this planet (considering its primitive disposition) lol


BOOKIE CHALLENGE GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2583
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Magic 1/14/2012, 2:56 pm

Hey Mighty G what processor do you have in your pc?

If you have an average or better one you can add it to my CERN/Einstein processors.

And I promise I won't let any of my fellow mad scientists steal your Mighty Laws of Physics hellyes

Once you get it running it does the work by itself.

Bookie Challenge
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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Administrator 1/14/2012, 3:28 pm


I'm not worried about the theft of my Super Secrets......I am fire-walled (I have a super-secret agreement with Norton) sunny

Anyway, I'm on an Apple laptop running a 2 core @ 2.4

So I have nothing to brag about. I bought this machine for the reliability of the hardware, and it has lived up to its rep.

I also have a Gateway desktop, but it's a basic backup to the Apple wtf

BOOKIE CHALLENGE GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2583
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Magic 1/14/2012, 5:37 pm

mighty_colts wrote: smile

I'm not worried about the theft of my Super Secrets......I am fire-walled (I have a super-secret agreement with Norton) sunny

Anyway, I'm on an Apple laptop running a 2 core @ 2.4

So I have nothing to brag about. I bought this machine for the reliability of the hardware, and it has lived up to its rep.

I also have a Gateway desktop, but it's a basic backup to the Apple wtf

What is the processor in the Gateway?

Either one will work and the Apple could run both Einstein and CERN LHC once they are set up.

The main thing is once you get it running you have to leave the computer running 24/7 (I have been doing that since 1999)

You just turn the monitor off or just set your screensaver to "Blank".......but I just turn off my monitors unless I feel like checking or using them like right now.

So let me know what your Gateway has and maybe the OS version just so I know how to get you up and running.

Seabird has his old quad-core in my group of processors ( 23 cores total right now)

Let me know which one (or both) that you want to run and then I will email you the steps to get started.

It is pretty easy once you do this once and then you can check just what yours was/were able to do and of course I can explain all of it.

If I can run my 18 cores here at home every day you can do it too cheerstoyou

(btw I only have 3 monitors on these 5 pc's so I just share the monitors between the pc's sitting closest to each other)

Bookie Challenge
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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Administrator 1/18/2012, 7:24 am

I don't run the E-machine (Gateway) since I'm still running the Apple......the E-machine is simply a backup that's there in case the Apple craps out.

And there's no way I'm running the laptop 24/7!!

For $2200, I want this sucker to last as long as possible happy2

BOOKIE CHALLENGE GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2583
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Magic 1/18/2012, 7:44 am

OK I just emailed you.

Why can't the Gateway run?

And the fact is as long as your Apple is plugged in running it 24/7 is easier on it than turning it off and on all the time.

HD's and chips don't like that.

The only thing I did when I had a laptop doing this is put a small fan next to it to keep it cool.

And of course don't lay it on your pillow and cover it with blankets and spill beer on it laughing

Bookie Challenge
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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Administrator 1/19/2012, 7:28 am

I actually should set up the E-machine and get it running......I'm just lazy.

But as for dedicating a machine for CERN......I's simply not a hobby of mine like it is for you.

However, if you want me to dedicate a machine to scan for the finest and hottest tits and ass on the planet......THEN I may consider pecker

BOOKIE CHALLENGE GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2583
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Magic 1/19/2012, 2:35 pm

mighty_colts wrote:I actually should set up the E-machine and get it running......I'm just lazy.

But as for dedicating a machine for CERN......I's simply not a hobby of mine like it is for you.

However, if you want me to dedicate a machine to scan for the finest and hottest tits and ass on the planet......THEN I may consider pecker

You are like my son.....and that is why his computers always get viruses lol

I wouldn't call CERN or the LHC particle accelerator a "hobby"

But I wouldn't mind if one of my computers become famous for Einsteins rotating neutron stars or Cern's high-energy physics!

Bookie Challenge
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GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? Empty Re: GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For???

Post  Administrator 1/19/2012, 7:59 pm

Sure it's a hobby!!

It's simply a 10 billion dollar hobby smile

But the problem is, they are finding out things that they don't want to know!!

If it's dicovered that it's possible to travel faster than light, then Albert's theory goes into the dumpster....and THAT would be a problem lol

But alas, this is why I'm sitting back and not getting involved with CERN at this point, because I'm waiting for them to become properly......"conditioned" so I can make my big arrival and begin expounding my Super Secrets of Incredible Physics king

If I made myself known to them before they are ready, they would be frightened lol

BOOKIE CHALLENGE GRAAHAHA......WTF Are You Waiting For??? 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2583
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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