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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Agent 99 8/17/2009, 4:24 am

Isn't it fitting that Cravn is in the Carribean and there is Hurricane Bill/MAGIC trying to piss on his parade!!!!! I will drink to that
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

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Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Guest 8/17/2009, 7:56 am

My guess is that he'll be fine... but then I'll also draw to hit the inside straight, too.



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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Agent 99 8/17/2009, 9:42 am

They say it's going to work it's way up to a CAT 3 and it looks like it's going to be headed for the east coast..... Maybe the New York area! I guess New York City needs a bath! shitcanned
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Magic 8/17/2009, 11:53 am

LOL....I wondered if you guys noticed that smile

I'm trying to knock the panhandle off of Florida to see if that will bust it loose and make Florida an island lol

I figured Cravn would just get more diving without going all the way to the Blue Lagoon!

Hurricane Bill/MAGIC 3Hurricane Bill/MAGIC 1

Bookie Challenge
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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Guest 8/17/2009, 5:01 pm

Trying not to imagine Cravn in a speedo and diving gear. dammit


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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Agent 99 8/17/2009, 6:25 pm

BlueShoes1 wrote:Trying not to imagine Cravn in a speedo and diving gear. dammit


Not an image I want to think about!!!
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  dblshockpwr 8/19/2009, 5:37 am

They just upgraded hurricane Bill to a cat 4....

Hope Cravn gets his ass out of there.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  cravnravn 8/19/2009, 5:59 am

We are fine, TS Anna gave us a scare early monday morning, we lost power for 6hrs..We are currently heading to Orlando,we'll touchdown at 9pm..One good thing, the Mrs wasnt scared and said she wouldnt mind moving here. unripebooya

The bad thing rhe agent cancelled our appt. on Monday, to look at condos..

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  dblshockpwr 8/19/2009, 10:22 am

cravnravn wrote:We are fine, TS Anna gave us a scare early monday morning, we lost power for 6hrs..We are currently heading to Orlando,we'll touchdown at 9pm..One good thing, the Mrs wasnt scared and said she wouldnt mind moving here. unripebooya

The bad thing rhe agent cancelled our appt. on Monday, to look at condos..

I went through a Cat 1 when I was living in Panama City... that was enough for me.... give me a tornado over a hurrican anyday of the week... LOL When you look outside and see the tops of the palms bent over double and touching the ground its pretty unnerving...

Of course the locals were all having hurricane parties and talking about how great the surfing is after a hurricane... LOL
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Magic 8/19/2009, 1:54 pm

cravnravn wrote:We are fine, TS Anna gave us a scare early monday morning, we lost power for 6hrs..We are currently heading to Orlando,we'll touchdown at 9pm..One good thing, the Mrs wasnt scared and said she wouldnt mind moving here. unripebooya

The bad thing rhe agent cancelled our appt. on Monday, to look at condos..


That satellite isp made you so crazy that you would move to live in a hurricane?

No nice places in Maryland?

I told you last year to buy that place across the street so I didn't have to put up with all the new clowns I have over there lol

(not sure wtf to do with this phoney hippy "organic" farm next to me now)

Bookie Challenge
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  cravnravn 8/20/2009, 4:29 am

Yes Mr Bill, Im tired of winters, Im tired of cold. And anywhere along the eastern seaboard is hurricane country..Remember when I first moved into PA it was in 2001, Hurricane Isabel turned up the Chesapeake Bay then up the Susquehanna River..We were without power for 7 days. And at that time we didnt own a generator.

St Croix hadnt been hit by hurricane since 1989 (Hugo)..

Its just a thought the Mrs and I have, its still in its infancy..

St Croix has Didect Tv, so the NFL ticket is no problem mon..It also is a US Territory, so we wont have to give up our US Citizenship.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Agent 99 8/20/2009, 5:32 am

cravnravn wrote:Yes Mr Bill, Im tired of winters, Im tired of cold. And anywhere along the eastern seaboard is hurricane country..Remember when I first moved into PA it was in 2001, Hurricane Isabel turned up the Chesapeake Bay then up the Susquehanna River..We were without power for 7 days. And at that time we didnt own a generator.

St Croix hadnt been hit by hurricane since 1989 (Hugo)..

Its just a thought the Mrs and I have, its still in its infancy..

St Croix has Didect Tv, so the NFL ticket is no problem mon..It also is a US Territory, so we wont have to give up our US Citizenship.

Right on Crav.... I'm with ya brother!!!! drinkbeer

I still have a few years left, but I'm planning now!!!! 17 years in this god forsaken place! Can't complain too much. I still have a good job and layoffs and cutbacks will have to take out 75 % of the workforce before they get to me. GOD I LOVE UNIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! clap
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Guest 8/20/2009, 1:07 pm

2shocker agrees with you, 99.


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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  Magic 8/20/2009, 2:08 pm

Yeah I do see once again during the summer that me and my stormy friends like to go up the coast all the way to Canada.

Never had weather like that here in the Great NW during the summer.

Once in a long while we might in the winter or early spring but it has been a while now.

I'm not a fan of cold weather any more but as long as I have stove pellets and the power stays on I have pc's and sat dishes to keep me entertained smile

The island stuff sounds good but I couldn't sell my place unless somebody was just going to give me a couple million in cash to do it.

I saw on the weather channel last night that Indy and Penn were supposed to get Hurricane Bill/MAGIC 3 today all over the place.

Never happens here (keep that a secret)

80 degrees and sunny here today........supposed to be mid 70's on sunday when I go win that $700+ hitting golf balls with my world famous pitching wedge in_da_nuts

Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Hurricane Bill/MAGIC Empty Re: Hurricane Bill/MAGIC

Post  cravnravn 8/21/2009, 3:09 am

We are heading over to Cape Canaveral this evening, to visit JB's Fish Camp..Iys right on the Atlantic where Bill is 300 miles out but the waves are running 8-12 feet..

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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