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Post  Magic 3/21/2024, 12:33 pm

I didn't know Einstein had those stats here!!
Does LHC have one like that??......I have 3 more months with LHC

I think I am the ONLY member that has been running computers for Einstein and CERN every day for all these years too.
There is a couple members at Cern that started a few days before me but they didn't run computer tasks here every day for over 19 years.
I think my 20th year date at Cern is in October this year
And Einstein is next January 2025

Einstein always worked but back in 2004 at Cern all we had was Sixtrack until we started VB in 2011
And I remember how that started and the first Valid T4T actually worked for the first time the first week of March 2011 and it was the Windows OS that worked first and it was Toby and myself that got it to work,
Back then I had more pc's than Toby BUT not since he moved to he has LOTS of new cores and threads.

That new one I got a few months ago was the first new pc for me in about 8 years and I only use it for Einstein GPU and it doesn't have its own monitor so yesterday it did a Windows Update and rebooted on its own so if I didn't plug in a monitor just to check it then it was not doing anything.

Only reason I looked was I lost my internet connection for about 20 minutes so when I saw that I had to type in the PIN to restart the GPU's

I do have enough cash to buy a fancy Threadripper and a real expensive video card but they would have to start paying me to run computers like that from home to do that.

In fact I think they should be giving us something for all the work we do.......just us that do this 24/7 and pay lots of money for our computers and the electricity to run them AND the thousands of hours we work for them.

The only thing I have been doing besides Boinc- Einstein - Cern work all these years is breath oxygen Boinc stats Laughing

Bernd has been there all these years but he doesn't do as much as many of us at Einstein and the same over at Cern

Laurence used to send me things from the Cern projects but they could send the ones that always work for free here something like a expensive GPU card for when we finally CAN run GPU LHC work.

I know they always get you and Toby and myself working here every minute of every day.

My satellite ISP is slow again right now since the LHC VB tasks eat all of my high-speed in about 4 days every month so I have to start up VB tasks after midnight every night.

THAT is why I don't run Atlas very much because they would use up all of my high-speed in 2 days.

Thanks for the stats page are always GREAT at showing me these since I was still used to what we had way back almost 20 years ago when Einstein had that other URL and of course we changed many times HERE and -dev and when I used to run the Atlas Test site with Yeti Peter

LOL if they moved my T4T stats here when that ended so if they added my 11 million from -dev over here I would get back up on the stats page here too Boinc stats Thankya

Well it is after noon here so I better get out of bed.......good thing I have my newer laptop next to me all night.

Keep up the great work Axel  Boinc stats 546355

Bookie Challenge
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Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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