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WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™

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WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™ - Page 2 Empty Re: WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™

Post  Magic 10/25/2015, 6:34 pm

I just can't imagine picking these games on sunday morning since it isn't like the point spread will change or last second injury reports.........and this isn't week 17 so nobody will be watching to copy picks........especially my picks lol

I have never in all these season made my picks on sunday (well unless you call my late night saturday picks sunday picks wink )

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8856
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™ - Page 2 Empty 7

Post  R&R 10/28/2015, 7:34 am

I submitted my picks Sunday AM (as usual) knowing there was a London game but wasn't picking either team so I wasn't concerned about gettin up before 6:30am to get them in.
I obviously didn't see Magic's warning at the bottom of the spread sheet that voided the precedence set last London game (ok to submit past kickoff if you weren't pickin either team - and I don't remember it being a one time thing).

Believe this would have been first 5 pointer in a long time and request a reevaluation of this situation with the intent to be granting me the points, or the parlay, or at least the best bets.

thanks, R&R

ps; funny thing - the picks were decided on Thursday nite during Seahawks game and filed away for Sunday submission..
I have a bad-ass avatar, and I know it.

Number of posts : 384
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WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™ - Page 2 Empty Re: WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™

Post  Guest 10/28/2015, 9:17 am

R&R wrote:I submitted my picks Sunday AM (as usual) knowing there was a London game but wasn't picking either team so I wasn't concerned about gettin up before 6:30am to get them in.
I obviously didn't see Magic's warning at the bottom of the spread sheet that voided the precedence set last London game (ok to submit past kickoff if you weren't pickin either team - and I don't remember it being a one time thing).

Believe this would have been first 5 pointer in a long time and request a reevaluation of this situation with the intent to be granting me the points, or the parlay, or at least the best bets.

thanks, R&R

ps;  funny thing -  the picks were decided on Thursday nite during Seahawks game and filed away for Sunday submission..

I sympathize with your position, R&R but I'll defer to Magic (I'm just the record keeper here). I do have an opinion that the rules are there for a reason and trying to slice and dice them each week is out of line. We did, as you indicate, give everyone a break on the original London game a few weeks back but that should NOT have been taken to imply we were simply going to ignore the rules for the rest of the season. It was fair warning an we would have expected you and others to learn from that. If you had your selections in mind on Thursday evening as you indicate why not post them at that time? The job of posting selections, building the grid, and summarizing the standings is challenge enough without having to consider unwarranted complaints about the rules. /*End rant*/


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WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™ - Page 2 Empty Re: WEEK SEVEN LINES Of The 16th Annual Bookie Challenge®©™

Post  Magic 10/28/2015, 3:51 pm

We can't change the Rules whether you got a goose egg or a perfecta if you pick any sunday games AFTER the first Sunday kickoff

We did that London thing ONE time for the Rookies who didn't read the Rules page.

And missing all the warnings of this game being in London were obvious and not to mention should not even be necessary since this isn't just a guessing game........we all have computers and can look up all the games and stats and game times.

16 years with the same Rules

And like has been said over and over during these years........WHY do your picks on sunday morning minutes before the first kickoff during the regular season?

Nobody here goes around and copies other members picks for some sort of advantage.

(see this is the main reason we had mighty_Garth here before so he could do this for me).......and imagine if it was Miguel   ohshit

Only time Rules are updated is during the off-season and I think the only new Rule is the picks should be posted by saturday at midnight your time zone.

Note that I always post when a game is a thursday,saturday,and MNF......which of course means the other games are sunday and the first game on the list is the first kickoff.

We had the London games as early as week 4 last season.

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8856
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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