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Damn it........

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Damn it........ Empty Damn it........

Post  wood20ks 2/6/2007, 3:55 am

Had a congrats story written and for some reason it didn`t take..........Fuuuuck! pizzedoff

Well congratulations guys on a fine season.

You beat us fair and square. bluehoo

I thought the refs did a decent job. no non-called penalties that should have been. They let them play the game..........

Bears got out coached and had no answer to stop Manning,I think the game changing play was wayne`s td catch on 3rd and 10.
We were in Manning`s face and can`t remember the name went to help out the other guy while Wayne went downfield. Wide open. How the hell does that happen ?........... wtf

Oh well,we had a few other chances too.

But anyways condrats guys.............

PS..........Hey cole, "Are you ready for some baseball?" lol
Does a Bear shit in the Woods?

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Age : 62
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Registration date : 2006-08-27

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Damn it........ Empty Re: Damn it........

Post  Administrator 2/6/2007, 8:49 am

Only now can I enjoy the SB win.....because I sure couldn't enjoy it during the game!!

I'll never know why the the Bears didn't try to run the ball, espeicially with Grossman struggling....????

Well Mr. least you know that we Colts fans also know the pain you guys feel right now.

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Damn it........ 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 2576
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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