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Memorial Day Holiday 2012

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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  Guest 5/29/2012, 7:26 pm

So, what did you do?

I had a great day. The lovely bride and I had the kids and grandkids all out on the boat! Beautiful weather, got out early before the big heat, used the new grill for the first real time (well, I did have a test-run), got everyone in the water, Clayton (oldest gr-son) got to "fish," just pretty much perfect. Basically the exact thing I envisioned when we bought it last year. clap

Matter of fact, the whole 4-day-weekend was pretty much as good as one could have wished. hellyes

Well there was that one thing I guess, I didn't get that tat I've been wanting... lol


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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  Magic 5/30/2012, 2:26 am

ColtsKurt wrote:So, what did you do?

I had a great day. The lovely bride and I had the kids and grandkids all out on the boat! Beautiful weather, got out early before the big heat, used the new grill for the first real time (well, I did have a test-run), got everyone in the water, Clayton (oldest gr-son) got to "fish," just pretty much perfect. Basically the exact thing I envisioned when we bought it last year. clap

Matter of fact, the whole 4-day-weekend was pretty much as good as one could have wished. hellyes

Well there was that one thing I guess, I didn't get that tat I've been wanting... lol

Well you are still a youngster so you can do all that wild stuff Kurt lol

We stayed home and watched old war movies and tv shows from the good old days.

Wanted to fire up a pile of dry alder that I have had out back a couple years now and roast the kosher hotdogs and the other typical bbq food but as usual Al Snore made it too cold and a north wind that would have blown fire all over the place and maybe even into the fir and cedars here.....and dry old grass that is also from last summer.

Global cold on the west side and all week will be off and on rain so by the time I go pay $4.19 for mower gas it should be tall enough for bails of hay.....doubt I can talk the fish and wild ducks and birds here into eating that joker

I did walk out to look around the sequoia forest I have been planting on the other side of the creek because I saw a BIG red tail hawk dive down into the grass.......and what do I find???

My hippie farming neighbors had let their chickens wander free and they had been making nests under the bigger sequoias and had been laying eggs all over the place.

Only problem is this is the wild Olympic Peninsula and all those chickens were killed all over my forest/field........nothing left but those eggs and white chicken feathers all over the place!!

Not sure if they were all killed by the Hawks but I know that Hawks and eagles and other killer birds eat every single bit and only leave the feathers.

The damn hawks have been caught by our "bobcat" neighbors swooping down and eating the baby mallards this spring.......if I catch those fuckers swooping down after the mallards I have been feeding here for over 10 years they will be meeting Betsy and I will have some red tail hawk feathers ramborampage

Ok now as far as your wanting to get those damn TATS Kurt!!!!!!!

Come on man are you losing it?

You are a business man not a rapper or a biker or an NBA would you want to poke ink into your skin with a needle????

Hell my goofy son thinks he is a DJ and I still (so far) have talked him out of doing that bs!!!

You will NEVER see a tattoo on my body.

I can see a WWII military guy getting one....BUT.......oh and it says in the Bible you should not do that either (hey that is the one I used to keep Jr. from doing it so far)

How about this KURT.......spend that money on going to see Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller when they stop by in Indianapolis next month for me clap cheerstoyou lol hellyes sunny

Oh and email me some least 65 degrees before I have to fire up the wood stove in June sunny

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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  cravnravn 5/30/2012, 4:10 am

We had a Tropical Storm Beryl Party Sunday, pretty cool, we lost electricity for 30 minutes when one of the rain bands carried some heavy winds & lightening with it.Monday was a total wash out as Beryl was north of us and it put a heavy day of rain on us.But I didnt let it get me down, I grilled out under an umbrella...Miss those covered porches back home, will definately put that on the must have when we get into our permanent home.

What can I say, it was a warm rain Smile

And I dont get people sometimes, Monday afternoon a teen goes into the Ocean on Daytona Beach, they warn ya not to go into the water due to the rip currents...Gone, they found his body 6 miles to the north..

Magic, if you have fox's, that is what is getting those chickens..I cannot believe you all are paying 4.19 a gallon for gas. We paid 3.42 last Friday down at the beach..

Number of posts : 5888
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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  cravnravn 5/30/2012, 4:28 am

Hell my goofy son thinks he is a DJ and I still (so far) have talked him out of doing that bs!!!

Nothing wrong with being a DJ, just as long as hes not spinning that Wigger Shit..I DJ'd the first 4 years of my marriage for extra cash, it was the best time of my life..I wish I would have stayed with it, and went onto broadcasting school..

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  Guest 5/30/2012, 6:19 am

Magic wrote:Ok now as far as your wanting to get those damn TATS Kurt!!!!!!!

Come on man are you losing it?

You are a business man not a rapper or a biker or an NBA would you want to poke ink into your skin with a needle????

I believe that was sarcasm dripping off my comment, Magic. wink

The Kurtmeister and needles don't get along...


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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  Guest 5/30/2012, 7:42 am

A good weekend and sunny and HOT here in Amish country. I did take some time on Sunday and drove up to the Indiantown Gap National Cemetery to see the weekend flag display (a friend had volunteered to "plant" over 7000 flags in honor of lost service men and women).

Memorial Day Holiday 2012 IndianTownGap

Spent most of Monday on a golf outing with a few buddies. Drank at least a half-gallon of water during the 18 holes and never once stepped behind a tree. Hot, hot, hot. Wish I could say the same about my golf game. dammit


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Memorial Day Holiday 2012 Empty Re: Memorial Day Holiday 2012

Post  Administrator 5/30/2012, 8:43 am

As for me, I put in my resume at the UofA.

I feel I am qualified to head a money-management course, teaching the kids how to properly manage their credit cards and taxes joker

Actually, I took time to surf YouTube watching DoomsDay/Apocalyptic videos needhelp

And that includes the videos that deal with the "trumpet" sounds that are heard around the world, coming from the sky whoa

BOOKIE CHALLENGE Memorial Day Holiday 2012 2-8110
Rest In Peace Garth
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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