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Post  dblshockpwr 3/11/2012, 6:15 am

Could be my next toy since the career change..... and a little present for myself for the other major projects I had to get done....
Shock and Awe

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Post  dblshockpwr 3/11/2012, 8:10 am

Anyway I am looking at that or a Mercedes Kompressor....

I need something a little easier on gas than the F250HD 4x4 to drive to work right now...
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
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Post  Magic 3/11/2012, 9:35 pm

Well if it is in good condition and no problems running then that is a good price.
The mileage it says is hard to believe for a 1999

But there could be quite a few things to check before you spend that cash on a car like that.

Speaking of Craigslist.......3 days ago I bought a car myself smile

For some reason it was listed in the wrong section so that must be why nobody bought it real fast and after a week I decided to go to their house (with the $3700 he was asking in Ben Franklins)

Well they live in the resort part of Port Ludlow with a boat and a dock and a multi-million dollar house they built in 2004.

Nice guy and his wife (turns out he is 9 days older than me)

I could tell he wasn't trying to make money....just sell it so he had room for the 2012 Cadillac he is buying.

It is a 1999 Motor Trend Car of the Year Chrysler 300M.....color is Platinum

Leather,sunroof,Infinity sounds system,new tires and brakes,tank full of gas,nice wheels he had added when he bought the car ($700) and it was always in the garage and still looks new.

It came from Cali since that is where they moved here from.

I have all his receipts so I see he payed $32,700 cash for it in 1999

He was asking $3700 and I offered $3500 as I pulled the Ben Franklins out and he looked at his wife and 2 seconds later SOLD king

I like this car so much that I am probably selling my 1980 Jaguar to my Son (yeah Casino Chris who is a BC Member)

That would give me a place in the garage to park my new machine clap

Always good to buy a car from rich people who really don't need the money.

He just retired himself and he said they will stop by our place when he gets the new Cadillac.

This is the best deal I ever got on a car.

What do you guys think about this? Mynewcar19992012

What do you guys think about this? Mynewcar19992012b

Bookie Challenge
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Post  dblshockpwr 3/23/2012, 5:07 pm

LOL I missed out on the Boxster....

Somebody snapped it up....

So I decided to stay American, bought a 96 Tbird at the auction instead.. LOL I will post pics after I get it painted... runs great, and super clean interior... no dings and a solid body... just chips in the paint.

Plus I have always had a "thing" for Tbirds.. (probably because Grandpa had a 65 or 66) This is my 3rd one now.

Thinking about trying to find an 88 Turbo Coupe too....

Guess I will just always be a Ford Man.... That POS Chrysler turned me away from MOPAR forever lol (the Sebring convertible I had, not yours Magic..)
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Post  Magic 3/25/2012, 12:13 am

Well that is the funny thing about can get a bad apple from any car company and that is usually what makes certain cars your favorite.

I have had one of everything since my 1st car back in 1972 (1955 Chevy Belair)

It was cheap and didn't last long for me so I sold it to a repair guy around here and got him to do some work for me decades ago.

I have always been anti-Ford mainly because here back when we were just out of HS the local guys got pickups or 4X4's and that depended on how much money you had.

One of my friends back then was a nothing but Ford guy so that made me do the opposite which is why I got the brand new 1976 Dodge Power Wagon when I was 18 and it was when those Power Wagons had special paint designs so mine was one of a kind (I still have her and will never sell or trade her in for the new version of the Power Wagon even though they have the Hemi version now)

I still remember back in about 1979 when we were all out doing crazy driving in the snow here with our 4X4's and the guy with fancy Ford lost control and went off the road and it was stuck so I pull over and stop and another guy comes in behind me and runs into my truck and bent the bumper and made the box move a little......never got a penny from him for that but I replaced the rear bumper.

Then on a famous local hill climb place where you had to be either nuts or just plain didn't know better to try and after I did it once I had to do it over and over (this was 1980-81)

I remember the best time was when I get towards the top of a steep climb where you had to take a sharp left and then straight up without stopping or you were screwed and as I make that turn I see off the hill a Ford didn't make it and she was on it's side lol

I used to do crazy shit back then and got to tease guys as I pulled their Fords and Chevy's out of the ditch in the winter.

Not that I never had to fix parts over the 37 years now.....mainly starters and the electronic ignition crap but that was pretty cheap and easy to do.

Still the original engine and tranny and 4X......changed the heads several times because I cracked them thanks to the original radiator but I finally had it rebuilt to a full core version back in 1988 so it never gets hot but by then it was basically retired and I never drive it off-road.

But anyway.....that Ford nut had this 1967 T-Bird back around 1977 and he talked me into buying it even though it needed a new engine.

But he took me on this long cruise in my Power Wagon where I bought a new Ford 428 and I hauled it home and then I took it to a mechanic to put it in.

Now this T-Bird had a perfect body with new paint (suicide doors) and perfect interior.

I thought this would be my favorite Ford and I would baby it forever.....BUT...

It was parade day here in town and I wanted to drive it in the parade so I was having my Mom pick up the car and stop and get herself and her 2nd batch of kids groceries and drive it to her hose and when I called to tell her I was coming out to pick it up and to leave my basically brand new Power Wagon she answers the phone and tells me the car caught on fire and burned completely into first I figured it was a fucking joke.

It wasn' I drive out and sure enough the engine had caught on fire when she parked it in her yard and the entire interior was nothing but metal and ashes all the front end was cooked and all the paint except the trunk lid was burned off and it was just silver metal.

Apparently the mechanic did something wrong and there was a gas leak and for some reason it caught on fire when she parked it.

We went to court (I was just 19 years old and had never been in the courthouse before)

The guy had a crooked lawyer who got him out of paying anything at all bs

He did the typical shit saying it must have been some other reason and the lawyer shows me an add in the paper showing a 1967 T-Bird wasn't worth very much and I did know wtf to say.......still wish I could find him and punch the money out of him plus interest.

So a brand new Ford 428 Windsor only had about 20 miles on it and the fine looking car was gone pizzedoff

After that I added that to the reasons why I will never own a Ford.

Sort of like why I have had my 1970 Olds Cutlass Supreme for 33 years.......all the guys here had Camaro's and Firebirds and Chevelles so I had to be different and have the Cutlass.......none of those guys have the cars anymore and I will never let it go down a street without me driving it.

She may be 42 years old but she will still look beautiful going the speed limit OR 140 mph clap

I may sell my 1980 Jaguar because I have only had it since 2001 and the 1999 Motor Trend Car of the Year Chrysler 300M will be the last regular car I ever buy (the wife can have a damn shopping/fuel efficient car)

I may never buy a new car and the only other one I will ever buy is a Rolls Royce Corniche (maybe convertible) and it will most likely be a Ebay purchase and I have actually bidded on one before and I look at them every month.

Most likely a 1980's version that was used by a chauffeur driver and they tend to take care or them and have records saved and they usually stay inside a garage and still look like new.

Of course they also have to have no mechanical problems since I am not a Rolls Royce mechanic and in fact don't do more than maybe oil and spark plug changing these days.

Test drove a Porsche once and sort of glad the bank wouldn't let me have the money back then because I probably would have wrecked it (I was in my early 20's)

At your age you are better off just saving money and buying a total restored classic so all you have to do is buy gas and drive it.......and gas costs enough these days wtf

You can find just about any car you like these days and get a good deal too.

Ebay or at the Barrett -Jackson auctions

Bookie Challenge
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Post  cravnravn 3/25/2012, 6:07 am

Nice, you had a 55 Chevy? thats sweet.

My dream is to own a 57 Chevy.

My Grandmother got rid of her 57 when I was 15 angel

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Post  Magic 3/26/2012, 2:33 am

cravnravn wrote:Nice, you had a 55 Chevy? thats sweet.

My dream is to own a 57 Chevy.

My Grandmother got rid of her 57 when I was 15 angel

Yeah in fact Norm would probably remember seeing them........remember cop cars being called a "black and white"?

That is what I had the version the cops drove in 1955

They were $2,400 new in 1955

283 with the automatic and it was like driving a tank when I changed the steering wheel to one of those small metal flake ones lol

That was the first car I used to sneak over to my friends and when you live here that mean I had to make 30 mile round trip.

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Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
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Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
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