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Hey Cravn?????

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Hey Cravn????? Empty Hey Cravn?????

Post  Magic 10/7/2011, 10:49 pm

Are you still going to be in Pennsylvania all winter??

Stove pellets on sale here saturday for $169 per ton

I'm buying 2 tons as soon as I can get there tomorrow.

Should I UPS a ton to you??


Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Hey Cravn????? Empty Re: Hey Cravn?????

Post  cravnravn 10/8/2011, 3:22 am

If I had it my way, no i will not be here..But since Im under Obama Care, it seems like I might be here.

But if you can get a deal on shipping, I'd love to get 2 tons of pellets from the left coast.

We are at 209 a ton, I can get 189 pellets a ton, but they are too ashy.
I look after my aunt, shes a couple years younger then me, and she runs a stove from Oct thru May so she dosent have to turn on Baltimores Electricity, which is outrageous in price,
With the summer & fall that Ive had, I havent prepared 1 piece of wood for my fireplace, guess Ill be buying that too if Obama has his way.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hey Cravn????? Empty Re: Hey Cravn?????

Post  Magic 10/8/2011, 10:05 am

Yeah the stuff I am getting is the same I have used for a few years now and it was the best type I have tried over the years.

It was the only type that I can actually run several days in a row without turning it off to clean the burner tray or drop the ashes into the bottom ash drawer.

And it is at a place that is closer than a trip to town and since I will probably haul it home 12 or 13 bags at a time in the Accord I don't spend much on gas either.

This time of year my power bill is around $300 every 2 months.

How much is your power bill?

So far Obama health crap hasn't done to much to me but the liberali broad we have as governor did take my dental coverage away so I now have to pay with cash bs

I cuts down a couple big alders several month ago so they are dry laying out back by the creek and I gave that to an old timer friend who is coming by sunday to cut it up and haul it home before winter gets him.

He lives up on a mountain where we play golf in the summer......but in the winter they freeze and get snowed in big time.

He is about Blues age but I doubt we will see Blue out doing something like this lol

Ok off I go.................

Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Hey Cravn????? Empty Re: Hey Cravn?????

Post  cravnravn 10/9/2011, 4:40 am

My power bill is reasonable, Im with Philadelphia Electric, but BG&E if you set your thermostat at at 72 in the summer, an average home would run you 300-350 a month, same thing in the winter at 68 degrees.

I budget 200 a month it averages out, in July August my bill gets to 250, yet in Sept, & May Its at 125..which is not bad considering my entire home is electric.

If I could just get Drew & my Youngest to understand the meaning of a 5 minute shower, Id be OK!!

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Hey Cravn????? Empty Re: Hey Cravn?????

Post  Magic 10/9/2011, 12:08 pm

cravnravn wrote:My power bill is reasonable, Im with Philadelphia Electric, but BG&E if you set your thermostat at at 72 in the summer, an average home would run you 300-350 a month, same thing in the winter at 68 degrees.

I budget 200 a month it averages out, in July August my bill gets to 250, yet in Sept, & May Its at 125..which is not bad considering my entire home is electric.

If I could just get Drew & my Youngest to understand the meaning of a 5 minute shower, Id be OK!!

Yeah you need a way to turn off the hot water to the shower after 5 minutes lol

Your place is bigger than mine as I remember but mine is all electric (even the pellet stove needs some) and I can't imagine more than $150 per month here sucks

I have always had Puget Sound Energy (aka Puget Sound Power & Light)

My Dad was the system admin boss there until he retired and gramps worked there until he retired too.

So I have been around this power company all my life.

And if it came right down to it I could get free electricity here wink

I went and payed for my 100 bags of pellets and brought 15 bags home in the wifes Accord.

I got reminded about the tax rate here......$30 in tax for my 2 tons bs

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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