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Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Agent 99 1/18/2010, 11:42 am

Got my order form from the Fed Ex guy today!!!!!!!! Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Th_ban_d

Now we have to go and play a great game this weekend!
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Guest 1/18/2010, 12:58 pm

Don't know if I'm on that list or not. Been at the office all day and the wife's been with our daughter shopping for the better part...

Sure hope there's a note on the door when I get home!

How much this year? (Mine were $600 ea.)

Update... no notes on the door... sucks

Last edited by ColtsKurt on 1/18/2010, 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Agent 99 1/18/2010, 2:44 pm

ColtsKurt wrote:Don't know if I'm on that list or not. Been at the office all day and the wife's been with our daughter shopping for the better part...

Sure hope there's a note on the door when I get home!

How much this year? (Mine were $600 ea.)

I got 2 out of the 4 @ $800 a piece. DUE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!

How the hell do they expect someone to come up with cash that quick!
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Magic 1/18/2010, 5:42 pm

Ummmm I have that much in my pocket (just came back from droppin the lil one off and stopped at the store to spend money and carry heavy stuff around)

I would love to be at the Colts vs Vikes SB to see the COLTS win again

So if this happens again next season it will be at LOS......make sure you tell me about extra' is waiting for something like that around my place cheerstoyou

I sure don't spend it to sit on a beach on a hot day wink

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
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Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Guest 1/18/2010, 5:47 pm

Magic, I believe next year's super bowl is in Dallas' new stadium. Colts host in 2012.


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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Guest 1/18/2010, 6:12 pm

FedEx dude stopped at my neighbor's.

They're really considering going... given the chance.


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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Magic 1/18/2010, 10:44 pm

BlueShoes1 wrote:Magic, I believe next year's super bowl is in Dallas' new stadium. Colts host in 2012.

AH was I thinking it was 2011??

Hell I really have to be dreaming to think the COLTS will be in the SB 3 years in a row......even with Bill Polian lol

Hell I ain't going to Dallas or Miami Rolling Eyes

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  cravnravn 1/19/2010, 1:23 am

I sure don't spend it to sit on a beach on a hot day

Maybe you should start, what are you a 4 hr flight to Baja or Aculpoco..

Now if Kurt really wanted to do it up..He would fly down for the Super Bowl, and then the next day get on a puddle jumper and take in Bimini..Now that would be the ultimate vacation.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Guest 1/19/2010, 8:27 am

cravnravn wrote:I sure don't spend it to sit on a beach on a hot day

Maybe you should start, what are you a 4 hr flight to Baja or Aculpoco..

Now if Kurt really wanted to do it up..He would fly down for the Super Bowl, and then the next day get on a puddle jumper and take in Bimini..Now that would be the ultimate vacation.

Now if Kurt could hit the lottery he could possibly pull that off. It would have to be Powerball, because the Hoosier Lottery has only gotten up to a couple million lately, where Powerball always seems to be in the $20 million plus area.


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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  Magic 1/19/2010, 9:23 pm

cravnravn wrote:I sure don't spend it to sit on a beach on a hot day

Maybe you should start, what are you a 4 hr flight to Baja or Aculpoco..

Now if Kurt really wanted to do it up..He would fly down for the Super Bowl, and then the next day get on a puddle jumper and take in Bimini..Now that would be the ultimate vacation.

I haven't been down that way since the summer of 1984 lol

I do want to drive around the country in the near future (as soon as I hit the $200K mark on my secret stash)

I like the famous drive down the coast here on hiway 1 and 101

It is really something and I actually did that with my Power Wagon back then but it was pretty new so it will have to be a car this time.

I got a bit anti-flying on the way back from Indy last year when the security bitch picked me and the wife out of the line to search through all of our stuff instead of some muslim looking bastards.

I still find it hard to believe they pick out me (no beard remember) and a 5ft 4" blonde.

They pulled us off to the side and went through all of that terrorist Colts stuff I bought and just our normal stuff people travel with.

THAT is why the security will never catch a terrorist Rolling Eyes

But I also always have wanted to just drive all over the USA and see all the things we have and visit every State (except Alaska and Hawaii)

Better than just flying and looking out the window.

And that way I can grab a hotel room any time I feel like stopping and taking a break cheerstoyou

The wife has already been to Alaska and Hawaii and that is not my kind of fun.

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Superbow Tickets!!!!!! Empty Re: Superbow Tickets!!!!!!

Post  cravnravn 1/20/2010, 1:19 am

Mr Bill, they dont hand pick you out its a random selection. When you got your boarding passes, at the bottom it would of had sss, thats the signal for security check..We got one a few years ago, I wanted to pull a Peyton on the officer, and smack her in the forehead with my pecker..

Good for you at wanting to drive, I hate driving, I hate being in a car, figured my daily route at UPS was 180 miles plus my 84 mile commute to work, I racked up alot of miles weekly, thats alot of singing "Who let the dogs out" to myself booya

Yes, flights can be boring, BUT..I did a good thing for the Mrs as a Christmas gift, I bought her a Sony, portable DVD player, with, get this dual ear plug connections..So yeah, I'll peak my head out the window til we level off, and if the flight isn't showing a decent movie. The Mrs will have a few with her..Or I'll have my Kenny Chesney, Trace Atkins or Toby Keith collection with us..

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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