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Guess what. . .

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Guess what. . . Empty Guess what. . .

Post  Guest 10/4/2009, 4:59 pm

The Colts are currently the #1 seed in the AFC!!! (Denver doesn't count because of their past playoff record against the Colts). Woo Hoo!


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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  Magic 10/4/2009, 7:00 pm

And the COLTS just won their 13th consecutive regular season game to tie the team record.

Now lets hope they keep Tennessee on their losing streak next week and set the COLTS team record at 14 straight and keep on winning after the break with the return of Sanders and maybe even Gonzo.

Bookie Challenge
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Number of posts : 8888
Age : 66
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  Guest 10/5/2009, 7:30 am

I'm thinking the return of Sanders may not be such a good thing. Work with me here...

The D is working just fine. He'll try to do more than normal to justify his existance/paycheck. I dunno... I'm mixed on the issue.


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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  dblshockpwr 10/5/2009, 9:23 am

ColtsKurt wrote:I'm thinking the return of Sanders may not be such a good thing. Work with me here...

The D is working just fine. He'll try to do more than normal to justify his existance/paycheck. I dunno... I'm mixed on the issue.

Anytime you have a former DPOY returning it will only help CK..... don't let the game against the seatoucans lull you to sleep... they are just that freaking horrible... and the Cards offense was tailor made for the Colts defense because our D could just pin it's ears back and go after Old Man Warner......

Against a bigger Oline with a solid running game we still need Bob back in the worst way possible... Bethea and Bullitt are nice... but Bob is still the impact player at safety that has the ability to change complete games with 1 or 2 big plays.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  Guest 10/5/2009, 10:49 am

You're right... I've got a bit of a 'tude against him. Probably not his fault we hear nothing of him these days.

He's certainly not worth the size of the contract for 5-6 games a year, though.


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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  cravnravn 10/6/2009, 1:33 am

Bob Sanders is horrible, has he played more than 10 games in any year? For that kinda money. please..Make him a kick returner, hes way too small to play D in the NFL.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  Guest 10/6/2009, 5:34 am

cravnravn wrote:Bob Sanders is horrible, has he played more than 10 games in any year? For that kinda money. please..Make him a kick returner, hes way too small to play D in the NFL.

Well, I'm sure you want that for at least 1 particular game this year...


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Guess what. . . Empty Re: Guess what. . .

Post  Guest 10/6/2009, 7:09 am

I'm likin' this kid: Collie


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