Official Bookie Challenge Message Board
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Perfecta!!!!!!!! Empty Perfecta!!!!!!!!

Post  Agent 99 9/20/2009, 4:38 pm

booya booya booya booya booya booya booya booya
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Perfecta!!!!!!!! Empty Re: Perfecta!!!!!!!!

Post  Magic 9/20/2009, 11:00 pm

I had one until TENNESSEE was invented!!!!!

Those dip shits.

It was even worse at the golf contest today pissed

They ALL thought I had made the 60yrd hole in one for the $1,310 and we drive the carts up to it and some bleeping how the thing had hit the ground smack in the middle ONE INCH SHORT bluehoo

Now all I need is the Colts to........................