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Is our next great DT coming from the Great White North Colts

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Is our next great DT coming from the Great White North Colts Empty Is our next great DT coming from the Great White North Colts

Post  dblshockpwr Sun 19 Apr 2009 - 5:59

This guy was just in Indy for interviews and workouts with the Colts....

Damn 334 and runs a sub 5 second 40? Thats a fucking freak of the first order.

I hope to god we come out of the draft with Jerry and Martin now. Our Dline would be set for years...... and check out where the guy lifted 345 pounds 44 times.... We haven't had that kind of raw strength and speed as far as talent goes on our D-line since Steve Emtman was here.

Please Mr. Polian make that one happen.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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