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Not too bad Cravn

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Not too bad Cravn

Post  Magic 4/22/2008, 11:26 pm

Hillary wins by about a quarter million votes.

Too bad they share the delegates and she only picks up 9 on the left-wing toothpick.

Besides them always bragging about who raises the most money I think it is stupid that delegates get split like this.

In fact delegates should get the boot and just go by the votes.

Of course I still think most of the voters are dip shits and like right now they vote for the one that looks more like themselves.

But did you let Barak the Fake get 1 million votes in your State?

Indiana is next.

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  cravnravn 4/23/2008, 3:16 am

Double Digit Victory, thats what she needed, thats what she got.

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  Agent 99 4/23/2008, 3:29 am

Magic wrote:Hillary wins by about a quarter million votes.

Too bad they share the delegates and she only picks up 9 on the left-wing toothpick.

Besides them always bragging about who raises the most money I think it is stupid that delegates get split like this.

In fact delegates should get the boot and just go by the votes.

Of course I still think most of the voters are dip shits and like right now they vote for the one that looks more like themselves.

But did you let Barak the Fake get 1 million votes in your State?

Indiana is next.

Magic I can't remember the last time a primary counted in Indiana. They usually have someone picked by now!
Agent 99
Agent 99
I'm an optimistic glass of beer is always half full until I drink the rest of it

Number of posts : 689
Location : Top Secret
Registration date : 2006-08-24

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  Magic 4/23/2008, 3:57 am

Magic I can't remember the last time a primary counted in Indiana. They usually have someone picked by now!

They also said that Indy was a Republican State since 1964!

And since I am a conservative anti-Peta anti-tree hugger and anti-liberali I like Indy even more now king

lol laughing I will drink to that

Bookie Challenge
Original Rookie of the Year
Many time Rudy Award Winner
Bookie Challenge Hall of Fame
Bookie Challenge Emperor/Treasurer/Moderator

Number of posts : 8888
Age : 67
Location : Mount Zion
Registration date : 2006-08-20

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  dblshockpwr 4/23/2008, 4:53 am

Magic wrote:

Magic I can't remember the last time a primary counted in Indiana. They usually have someone picked by now!

They also said that Indy was a Republican State since 1964!

And since I am a conservative anti-Peta anti-tree hugger and anti-liberali I like Indy even more now king

lol laughing I will drink to that

Indiana went democrat in a very big way in the mid-terms.....we kicked the GOP to the curb in congress and in the Indiana house of representatives...... Now we just need to Ditch Mitch.. our crooked, corrupt Republican Bush representative and we'll be OK.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  cravnravn 4/23/2008, 4:58 am

Do the right thing 2shock, pull the Hillary lever...You'll feel better

Number of posts : 5888
Age : 63
Location : Deltona, FL, Fizzled Out
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  dblshockpwr 4/23/2008, 5:03 am

The ONLY republican I would even consider voting for.... would be Dr. John McGoff who will be running for congress (but he's not in my district)

But Dr. John is a very, very good man... that helped me out ALOT when my physcho ex was pulling her shit... He knew the judge and told him exactley what was going on and what she was pulling..and wrote several letters to the court vouching for my reputation when I really needed it.

And of There is one more Mr. Ted Sosine.... my former attorney(he's a judge now) when he runs for re-election to the bench will get my vote as well.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  dblshockpwr 4/23/2008, 5:07 am

cravnravn wrote:Do the right thing 2shock, pull the Hillary lever...You'll feel better

The democrats are in the predicament where they have 2 VERY strong candidates this year.........I will vote for who I feel has the best interests of the country at heart, and can be effective in getting things done... Right now I feel like that anybody named Clinton is too polarizing on the political scene to be an effective leader.... The GOP despised Bill because they couldn't beat him and despite their best slander efforts they couldn't bring him down that way either...Too much animosity I think there.

As of right now Barack is my man on May 6th.
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

Post  dblshockpwr 4/23/2008, 5:08 am

dblshockpwr wrote:The ONLY republican I would even consider voting for.... would be Dr. John McGoff who will be running for congress (but he's not in my district)

But Dr. John is a very, very good man... that helped me out ALOT when my physcho ex was pulling her shit... He knew the judge and told him exactley what was going on and what she was pulling..and wrote several letters to the court vouching for my reputation when I really needed it.

And of There is one more Mr. Ted Sosine.... my former attorney(he's a judge now) when he runs for re-election to the bench will get my vote as well.

LOL It helps sometimes to have a political family... LOL
Shock and Awe

Number of posts : 2260
Age : 52
Registration date : 2006-08-23

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Not too bad Cravn Empty Re: Not too bad Cravn

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